Monday, July 15, 2019

Two Great Meetings in the Tacoma Area

Pastor Mark Smith
Last Wednesday we were at Faith Baptist Church in Tacoma. This church is led by Pastor Mark Smith who has been there for 25 years. This church actually took us on for support last Fall before we came, so we are very thankful for them. However, since we were going to be in the area we wanted an opportunity to meet the church and give out our prayer cards. Pastor Smith had me present our work and preach the evening message. It was a blessing. While we were there Pastor Smith showed us their King James Bible Museum that they have assembled together in their church. It was amazing! I love the King James Bible and it was great to be able to see someone standing up for it and promoting it. God is truly blessing this church for their stand and for their great missions emphasis, as they regularly send out mission teams to help in different mission fields around the world. In fact they sent out a group to Honduras last Friday. Please pray for their safety and prosperity in accomplishing their mission there in that needy place.
Part of the Bible Museum
On Saturday we went to Liberty Baptist Church in Fircrest to go out soul winning with the church. This church is led by Pastor Michael Richter who has been here 9 years. He is doing a fantastic job at reaching out to his area with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We really enjoyed our time at the church meeting the church folks and getting to know the pastor and his family. 

Pastor Michael Richter
On Saturday we went out and knocked doors in two different areas speaking to many different people. When we knocked on the last door, there was no answer so we began to walk away, but then someone answered. I returned and began speaking to a lady at the door, she didn't speak English, but held up a finger indicating she would be back in a minute. We waited several minutes and were about to leave when a man named Carlos came out the door. Carlos spoke very good English as we invited him to church. Carlos said he attends church sometimes, but not as often as he should. He said he knows it is important and he would like to come and visit. I then asked Carlos about his eternity. He said that he doesn't know where he will go when he dies, but he would like it to be Heaven. I was able to take my New Testament and explain to Carlos that good works of any kind don't save us and that it is only through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. After I finished explaining it to Carlos he bowed his head and asked Christ to save him. Praise God! I then took my New Testament and explained eternal security to him. Carlos wasn't able to come to church on Sunday but I am praying he will be able to make it the following week as Pastor Richter is going to be follow up on him. Please pray for Carlos to come and for spiritual growth in his life.
Carlos after trusting Christ as Saviour
On Saturday evening there was a men's meeting. Brother Jerry Faulkner was the guest speaker from Bethel Baptist Church in Spanaway. I thought that was interesting because I will be presenting at that church this coming Wednesday night. He did a great job speaking to the men and I think everyone felt encouraged in the Lord! 
Bro. Jerry Faulkner
On Sunday I taught the adult Sunday school class and Pastor Richter preached a good Sunday morning message. Then on Sunday night I presented our mission and preached the evening message.

Preaching Sunday night
There was great special music Sunday morning and Sunday night, this church has been blessed with many musically talented people. I was very impressed with the energy put into their music by all those involved from the song leader down. Please pray for us as we continue on with our meetings in this area for a few more weeks.

Special Sunday night

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