Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Great Weekend with Pastor Owens and Pastor Domelle

Teaching on soul winning Saturday morning
I spent this past weekend with two churches. First church was Liberty Baptist Church in Wichita, Kansas. This church is led by Pastor Jason Owens. This church was actually my second supporting church when I started deputation, but the pastor had asked me to come back to teach and motivate his people to be better and more inspired soul winners. I appreciate this church which has a great missions emphasis and desires to see their home town reached as well. I enjoyed spending time with them all day Saturday. The Lord blessed our time. 

Pastor Jason Owens
On Sunday morning, I taught the pastors Sunday school class while the pastor then preached a great message during the morning service. The pastor told me it was a blessing to have us come and help their church in the matter of soul winning! I then drove to Bethany, Oklahoma on Sunday afternoon for my evening meeting.
Pastor Allen Domelle
I spent Sunday evening at Maranatha Baptist Church in Bethany, Oklahoma. This church is led by Pastor Allen Domelle who has been here for about 8 months. I have known Pastor Domelle for several years, he has been a great evangelist for a long time as well as being known for his online publication "The Old Paths Journal." He was also recently the President of my old Bible college in Longview, Texas.

Pastor Domelle preaching Sunday evening
God blessed our time there that evening as we greatly enjoyed touring his buildings and getting to meet his people. Then he had me present our mission in the service and show our video. It was also a blessing to hear Pastor Domelle preach about the subject of not resigning to being mediocre. Many folks were stirred as the altars filled up during the invitation time. Then Pastor Domelle told us the best news of all when he announced that their church was taking us on for support. This is the reason we travel is to find partners so we can win souls in Thailand. Praise the Lord for this.
Nice new chairs
The Wednesday before we came found us in cold and snowy Lincoln. It was warm inside though and we were enjoying the new padded chairs in the church auditorium. I was also glad to have a convert make a profession of faith in Christ that night. Moira who had been attending St. Francis Catholic church came forward to make a profession of faith in Christ that evening at the service. Praise the Lord for another Catholic finding Christ as their Saviour! Looking forward to more meetings in Oklahoma!
Soul winning bus on Thursday night

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