Sunday, April 14, 2019

In Mapleton and Peoria, Illinois

Pastor Brandon Dillard
This past Wednesday night I was at LaMarsh Baptist Church in Mapleton, Illinois. This church is led by Pastor Brandon Dillard who started out as an assistant here and is now the pastor for over the last year. He is doing a wonderful job and is currently leading the church in a major remodeling project. We were able to present our mission before the church and I preached the evening message. God blessed and many seemed stirred. We enjoyed visiting with several of the folks at our table after the service. On Thursday afternoon my wife went out soul winning with one of the church ladies in Pekin. Our time here was great and we really enjoyed the the people!

Preaching Wednesday Evening
Then on Saturday we went soul winning with El Vista Baptist Church in Peoria. This church has been led by Pastor Joey Watt for 33 years. While I was out with Brother Adair we got to see two high school boys trust Christ as their Saviour. God is good. Brother Adair is 72 years old and still goes soul winning faithfully every week. My wife also got to lead a young lady to Christ in a different area on Saturday. She went with a lady from the church.

Brother Adair out soul winning
Sunday morning greeted us with a surprise snow storm. It made travel a little bit messy and slow. It is mid April, you would think the snow would be over by now. Ha ha! 
Snowy Sunday morning
Sunday school and the morning service were just great as Pastor Watt did a fantastic job teaching and preaching. There was also some very good special music and offertory playing.
Special music
Brother Lancaster doing offertory
 Then on Sunday evening I was able to present our mission to the church. I gave testimony and showed our video. Then I was able to preach the evening message. It was an honor to be able to speak here to these folks. Please pray for them as they are working to reach this area for Christ and please pray for us as we are working to reach Thailand for Christ!

Pastor Joey Watt

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